

News About DMD


News About DMD

January 2, 2017  DMD Welcomes New Staff Member

DMD welcomes Annie Montemayor as a research associate. Annie is a former journalist turned higher education communications specialist. She is now working on her master’s degree in organizational leadership, policy, and development in higher education at the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities. In addition to her work with DMD, she is a graduate research assistant for dissemination and communications at the Human Capital Research Collaborative, a center focusing on research and implementation of early childhood education interventions. Annie has a B.S. in journalism from the University of Kansas.

June 7, 2016 DMD Staff to Attend NISBRE Meeting in DC

DMD staff, Don Vangsnes and Dean Schieve, will be attending the National  IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE) held in  Washington, DC from June 26-28, 2016. NISBRE is a national scientific  meeting that showcases the accomplishments of the IDeA program of the  National Institute of General Medical Sciences, including the INBRE  program, which is designed to increase the biomedical research capacity  of the IDeA states. DMD has a long history working with the INBRE  program, beginning with Nebraska in 2003; DMD also provides professional  evaluation services to INBRE programs in Montana, Kentucky and Alaska.  

June 1, 2016  Video Evaluation Documentary (VED) Available for Viewing

Becoming a Scientist: Stories from Nebraska is a Video Evaluation  Documentary (VED) that DMD has completed as a part of its evaluation of  the Nebraska INBRE program. The VED highlights the accomplishments of  nine former INBRE Scholars who graduated from undergraduate institutions  in Nebraska and subsequently obtained PhDs in biomedical science  related fields -- the ultimate goal for the INBRE program. DMD has  conducted evaluation activities for Nebraska INBRE since 2003, tracking  their students' activities during their undergraduate and graduate  school experiences, culminating in the production of the VED.

The former INBRE Scholars now hold research or academic positions at  universities and research centers around the country. In the VED, which  was filmed onsite, the biomedical researchers discuss the impact the  program had on their education and career decision making, as well as  how it has helped them succeed in their research careers.

INBRE is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded program that  emphasizes increasing the biomedical research capacity in selected  states. More about the Nebraska INBRE program can be found at

Becoming a Scientist: Stories from Nebraska is available via the following link: For additional information contact Dean Schieve, DMD Consulting. 

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